College of Arts and Sciences

BS in Computer Science and Engineering

At a Glance

这个项目通过学习计算机科学和计算机工程来帮助你开辟职业选择. You take exciting classes in programming, coding, design and analysis, computation, and electrical engineering.

Full Time
Rolling Admission

Degrees Offered

Total Credits

Bachelor of Science



计算机科学与工程是我们系里最新的专业,通过学习计算机科学(软件)和计算机工程(硬件),可以帮助你打开你的职业选择。. You take exciting classes in programming, coding, design and analysis, computation, and electrical engineering.

About the Major


计算机科学与工程(CSE)课程为计算机工程提供了坚实的基础,并结合了软件设计和开发的坚实基础. 我们的程序会让你彻底了解软件是如何与硬件合成的, giving you a complete understanding of how a computer works. 这个坚实的基础使您能够处理跨软件-硬件范围的任何计算系统挑战. 此外,我们的专家教师将为您提供一对一的指导和学术建议.

Degree Requirements  

你必须完成96个学分,其中包括核心计算机科学的组合, mathematics, science, and engineering courses.

Required Courses

Among the required courses are:

  • Fundamentals of Computing I and II
  • Architecture and Assembly Language  
  • Calculus I and II
  • Differential Equations  
  • Engineering and Design
  • Digital System Logic
  • College Chemistry I
  • Calculus-Based Physics   

欲了解更多立博网站中文版,并看到学位要求的完整列表,请访问 Course Catalog.

Program Educational Objectives

课程教育目标描述了我们的毕业生在计算机科学与工程(CSE)课程毕业后的头几年的预期成就. In order to meet the CSE Program Educational Objectives, our graduates:

1.  在计算机科学和工程行业获得富有成效和挑战性的职业生涯, government, academia, and is able to work collaboratively with peers;

2.  通过应用计算和工程原理以及其他专业技能和基础,解决复杂的计算和工程问题;

3.  Are aware of societal aspects, ethical issues, and professional responsibility in computing and engineering practice, 并有能力运用道德和法律原则作出明智的判断;

4.  Are proficient in designing, developing, 使用硬件和软件集成评估满足计算和工程需求的创新系统和解决方案;

5.  透过有效的沟通及团队合作,推广电脑及工程所需的产品及服务;

6.  Continue to learn, and adapt to technological and cultural change.

ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) Student Learning Outcomes

The following ABET 工程认证委员会学生学习成果描述了CSE毕业生获得的技能和知识:
  • An ability to identify, formulate, 运用工程原理解决复杂的工程问题, science, and mathematics.
  • 能够运用工程设计来产生满足特定需求的解决方案,同时考虑到公共卫生, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
  • An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
  • 能够在工程环境中认识到道德和专业责任,并做出明智的判断, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
  • 在团队中有效发挥作用的能力,团队成员共同发挥领导作用, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
  • An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions   
  • 在需要时运用适当的学习策略获取和应用新知识的能力.

ABET Computing Accreditation Commission (CAC) Student Learning Outcomes

The following ABET 计算机认证委员会学生学习成果(slo)描述CSE毕业生获得的技能和知识:
  • 分析一个复杂的计算问题,并运用计算和其他相关学科的原理来确定解决方案.
  • Design, implement, 并评估基于计算的解决方案,以满足程序规程上下文中给定的一组计算需求.
  • Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
  • 认识到专业责任,并根据法律和道德原则在计算实践中做出明智的判断.
  • 作为团队的一员或领导者,有效地从事与项目纪律相适应的活动.
  • 运用计算机科学理论和软件开发基础来产生基于计算的解决方案.

Career Outlook

 Some of the careers you can prepare for are:

  • Hardware architect and engineer
  • Network architect
  • Systems engineering
  • Information security analyst

Daniel Baqaeen

Computer Science and Engineering , '22

丹尼尔正在考虑多个软件工程师的职位,这些职位可以让他在决定住在哪里之前远程工作和周游全国. 丹尼尔也是2022年高级摄政荣誉奖的获得者,该奖项旨在表彰表现优异的学生.

丹尼尔说,他选择学习计算机科学与工程是因为他想成为快速发展的科技行业的一部分,并对世界产生影响。他说,UHart的课程让他学习了宝贵的编码技能,并提高了他在算法方面的知识. Read more.

Amanda '21 and Rachel '22 Liang

Computer Science, Computer Science and Engineering,

阿曼达(右)和瑞秋姐妹不仅对计算机科学有共同的兴趣, 但他们也在格罗顿的通用动力电船公司(EB)做过软件工程师实习生, Connecticut. Amanda主修计算机科学,自2019年以来每年寒暑假都在EB工作. 她以软件工程师的身份加入公司,并希望参加公司的技术教育项目. Rachel是计算机科学与工程专业的学生,今年夏天继续她的实习工作. Read more.

我的课程绝对有助于我独立自信地学习新概念和语言的能力,” says Rachel.

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